Shower Door Repair Problems You Should Be Aware Of

Keep Your Shower Doors Looking and Working Good!

Shower doors can last for many years and some homeowners can even pass them on to their children. However, shower doors can only be properly maintained if they are checked regularly. If you notice some signs that your shower door is not functioning well anymore, then it’s time to call a shower door repair service. Experts can deal with:

Water Leaks

If water leaks from the shower door, then you should definitely get it fixed right away. The reason why this happens is usually due to a malfunctioning gasket or because of loose screws that were not properly attached. This is why you have to have this fixed as soon as possible so that the leak will stop.

Damaged Hangers

If your shower door can’t bear the weight of the showerhead, then you should replace the gasket or hinges. Otherwise, your showers will be dangerous when taking a bath because water can leak out of the gasket and onto your floor.

Dented Or Broken Glass

If there is a dent or even a cracked glass after someone tried to open the door by force, then it’s time to call an expert. This could be because there’s something wrong with the locking system and is beyond repair.

Damaged Hinges

If you have a hard time entering and exiting your shower because of the loose shower door, then this problem needs to be addressed right away. It would be inconvenient if the reason why you are not able to enter or exit the shower smoothly is because of a worn-out or damaged door.

If you need more tips, or if you’re looking for experts who can do quality shower door repair services for you in Whittier, CA, then Broken Glass & Screen Co. is the company that will help you out! Call us now at (562) 365-3433 and let our team help you!

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